The texas chainsaw massacre the beginning part 4

The texas chainsaw massacre the beginning part 4

WAYNE CLAIMES SUUWOOP! nigga im a crip his ass was to scared to even look at my niggas when day walked up on da nigga! WAYNE A PUUSSSSY! a 12 could fuck dat faggot up!! Ingle standup 213 C B s dwn. You know fuck the secon person who said wayne will murk em. Bitch thats blastphomy. how fucking dare you. I bet you 10 fucking dollars that if you said that shit to eminem he put yo ass DOWN. And say that shit again imma find yo hoe ass now say some mo shit bitch! your a fuckin moron. black people just cant accept that white people are better at something that they help developed lol. im not racist but that seems to be the only reason i think of that they wont admit wayne is a fuckin shitty rapper cuz there is absolutely no evidence that he is remotely talented lol. get the fuck outta here. I think you re all niggers. Learn how to spell, speak, and type correctly. Perhaps then you would be able to make a valid arguement that people are able to understand. But still, you probably won t care about this because you re ALL A BUNCH OF FUCKING NIGGERS. wayne is a bitch. everyone gets all enraged n shit when people diss em cause they on his little dick, ibi from tha A. its kidz like this that kill hip hop. shits not dead its just underground so idiots like yall cant see it. wayne has punchlines and thats it, and those are written for his lame ass anyway. look at lyrics and actuall skill. marshall killz wayne all day, hence why that bitch azz ninja when fukin battle nobody. fukin soul khan could tear his ass up too. wayne makes unintelligent radio music for fake bumpas who just need stupid shit like gucci to get down. eminem holds it down so fuk yall. THEY BOTH ARE GOOD, YES WAYANE WAS WORNG BUT HE S RIGHT. robyn retarded too can u fuckin count dumbass em made more cds!!!!!!! mixtapes dont count u fuckin idiot!!!!!! yea who ever don t think LiL Wayne is hard no homo that how u feel because he going to still do him and make more songs u still going to do u right? so just shut the fuck up and just Stop hatin on a ngga that is a weak emotion YO ROBYN, LIL WAYEN MIGHT HAVE MADE MORE ALBUMS. BUT EMINEM HAS SOLD MORE RECORDS. 70 MILLION PLUS AND HIS ABLUMS GONE DIAMOND BEFORE. LIL WAYNE HASN T HIT THE 5 MILLION MARK WITH ANY OF HIS ALBUMS. EMINEM HAS A STYLE AND IS LYRICALLY INSANE.

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