Frat party music Its

Frat party music

Its especially handy for older movies being transferred to blu-ray. If they ever transfer the movie Gizmo a very funny documentary and tribute to inventors to DVD or Blu-Ray, Ill want it. I know its not going to transfer well because it contains some extremely old footage alot of black and white and some from the very early 1900s but in some cases whats on the disk is more important than the quality of the picture. DVD to Bluray is a monster jump, if you dont believe it you better go get your eyes checked. If you own a Tv with a screen size of 42 inches or larger bluray is a night and day differance. Bluray also kicks digital video streaming by a land slide, who needs all that skip and jump from poor buffuring and slow internet. Seriously you guys need either better bluray players oy better led lcds or you need a hearing aid and a new pair of glasses?? do u people look at im upset there really is a huge difference with bluray vs dvd. go to best buy and check out the setups frat party music with a specialist and let him put a show on for you with at least a samsung 1080p led lcd 120hz or 240hz with bluray and watch pirates of the caribbean. put this equation together hdtvdvd-sdtv480i now hdtvhddvd or blurayhdtv now if u understand what im saying thank you! if you dont, well go to best buy and have a salesmen show you the difference with dvd vs bluray lets not forget bluray gave toshibas hd dvd a run for there The quality of the transfer and the original format a movie was shot in can really impact the quality of a blu ray. Flicks shot on video often dont have the same visual impact as movies shot on film at least they dont on a big 1080p plasma mated to a blu ray player. LCDs with 120 Hz and anti-judder make everything look like soap opera video any way, so the comments from some not being able to discern any appreciable difference between blu ray and upconverted dvd may have a grain of truth. After living with blu ray for a couple of years I could never go back anyone wanna buy some DVDs? Whoever says Batman Begins is better than the Dark Knight needs to watch them again. Better cinematography? Dark Knight. Better acting? Dark Knight. Better music? Dark Knight. Better editing? Definitely The Dark Knight. Meaningful messages on Post 9/11 America, torture, terrorists, vigilantism, politics, and the Bush Administration? Dark Knight. Katie Holmes? Batman Begins. I still prefer Batman Begins to The Dark Knight. Chris Nolan makes his best films when he follows one character on one journey, whereas his weaker material is symptomatic of a writing style tantamount to moving chess pieces around on a board, rather than fully fleshed out characters. I take all the things you say about Dark Knight being a fantastic War on Terror movie the only one that made any real money but its just not as emotionally engaging as Begins. Rather, its a series of arguments and ideas, somewhat closer to a political thesis. And I also dont think the editing is that great the film probably needs 5 or 7 minutes shaved off its run time, and the intercutting and resolutions to scenes become a little to abrupt for my taste. The price gap between DVD and BD is shrinking daily. Transformers 2, Wolverine and Star Trek were all 99 on Blu Ray at release. 4 more than the DVD version. The audio track alone is worth the extra Hell, Wolverine even included a DVD and a digital copy at that price. which makes me suspect a no-frills, movie only new release at 99 is coming soon. Now, its really a matter of the movie for me. I bought the above movies on Blu ray because the special effects warranted a high resolution experience. Same with the audio. When the Enterprise kicks on the engine and my bass kicks in, I want my pictures to shake on the wall. But when I go out and get, say I Love You Man, I dont frat party music any point in spending extra for the Blu Ray because it doesnt really warrant it. I dont need to see the pores on Jason Segals face, and the pop soundtrack wont sound any better through 1 than the tiny speakers in my TV. Some people just dont need the extra experience Blu Ray offers. I have countless friends that STILL have 27 CRTs from 1997 sitting in their living rooms. But if you have an HDTV, especially over 40, the difference is gonna be quite apparent. Watch Planet Earth! And if you have the equipment the lossless audio is just ridiculous.

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