Boogeyman vs john cena

Boogeyman vs john cena 2011

Can we follow his example? I know, it will be hard. I want to thank everyone who gave of their time and resources to make this victory happen. Its been a long road, and huge damage has been done to this great country, not to mention to many of you who have lost your jobs, gone bankrupt from medical bills, or suffered through a loved one being shipped off to Iraq. We will now work to repair this damage, and it wont be easy. But what a way to start! Barack Hussein Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Seriously, wow. I just cant believe this happened, this is the best day ever. This shows that we can be more than basketball players, rappers, and dope dealers. Barack 08 you real good straight hair and its natural. naturally glued/stitched to your head. THEY DIDNT WANT TO GIVE US 40 ACRES AND A MULE SO DAMMIT, WE WILL TAKE 50 STATES AND A WHITE HOUSE!! SO THE LAST WILL BE FIRST, AND THE FIRST LAST. FOR MANY ARE CALLED, BUT FEW CHOSEN. im SO glad i voted for this man. i lOve hearing him speak. he gives me hope. plus our president is sexy as sheit sheesh!! God bless America! The only other time I was proud to be an American was after 911 when people were reaching out to one another. Now where is that American flag that I threw at the bottom of my dresser? Absolutely spectacular!!!!! OH YEAH, DO U THINK GOD DIDNT HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH ALL THE MARKETS CRASHING AT ONCE 2 MONTHS BEFORE ELECTION AND A MONTH BEFORE EARLY VOTING???? THERES NO MISTAKES IN LIFE. EVERYTHING IS BY DESIGN. Thank You Jesus! Obama said yes we can and he did make his mark in history. I bet MLK Jr is rolling around doing cartwheels, puch ups, sit ups, back flips in his grave. Barack Obamas paternal grandfather c. 1895-1979 who worked as a mission cook. He joined the British Army during World War I. Originally a Roman Catholic, he took the name Hussein when he converted to Islam, a name that he passed on to his children. Hello My Beautiful black people!! I am so ecstatic today i cannot contain myself! lol And Michelle Obama the first black lady of the white house!! And little Sasha and Maliyah sp? The first black family of the white so damn good. I am overwhelmed with happiness today. I AM SOO HAPPY!!!!! i HAVE BEEN CRYING ALL NIGHT. CRYS OF JOY!!!! I WOKE UP TO THE VOICE OF MAYA ANGELOU ON TELEVISION RECITING HER POEM STILL I RISE. AND ALL OF YOU STUPID, CLOSE-MINDED, IGNORANT PEOPLE STILL DONT BELIEVE IN S REAL. WHO WOULD TAKE THE TIME OUT TO RESEARCH HIS FAMILY?????!!!!! SO DESPERATE TO TRY AND FIGURE OUT PROBABLY DONT EVEN KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR FAMILY. GET OFF THE PRESIDENTS dc k!!!!! DO YOU NOT REMEMBER HOW HARD OUR ANCESTORS FOUGHT????? sEPERATION FROM YOUR FAMILY DURING AUCTION TIME!!! bEING SOLD LIKE A PIECE OF MEAT!!!!! ILL GIVE YOU THE NUMBER BBBBBIIIIITTTTTCCCCCHHHHH!!!! LETS SHAKE THIS COUNTRY UP!!!! IM FINISHED WITH YOUR DUMB ASS!!! ive had no voice about my oppression, no way to show i cared/ Im a strong black woman with determination, but all society saw was someone weak/ Living in a land of opportunity? In a war boogeyman vs john cena 2011 money, time and lives/ They could spend 10 billion a month on fighting, but cant afford to provide shelter for the homless at night/ Im now viewed as strong, no longer am i weak/ So i say to all strangers, family and friends I was at work last night and I was so pumped. I am still shocked even today. Its just so unreal to have a black president but what we witness last night was truly amazing. Yes anything is possible people. I think I am more happy seeing every American came together for the 1st time celebrating. This is what Martin Luther King dreamed about. For every man, woman, boy and girl to stand together as one. Obama is a man who attract so much positive energy. I liked what one of the anchors said last night, Obama bring a sort of peacefulness when hes around. He has a great spirit and I am happy to congratulate him as the 1st African American president!!! How extremely blessed we all are to be on this earth to see our first black president! Thank you Lord! Our ancestors would be so proud! And my heart aches for those who are no longer here to enjoy this victory boogeyman vs john cena 2011 the rest of us. taking a moment of silence Make ya money, dont let money make u!! You go ahead and keep calm and cool! Florida will go ahead and party like a rock star for you.

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