Ransom instrumental You are

Ransom instrumental

You are the Jadesprite Jade Harley waited. The room around her rolled and pitched over the ground. There were Jadesprites in the lab. She didnt see them, but had created one minutes ago. Her ransom instrumental to her freind Johnon were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway. Jade was a quirky kid for thirteen years. When she was young she watched the dreamscapes and said to Granddad I want to be in the dreams Grandpa. There was a time when she believed him. Then as she got oldered she stopped. But now in the Frost and Frogs of the Sburb she knew that there were Jadesprites. This is Johnon, the computer blinked. You, Im not in this part of the story. So Jade got on her feet and blew up at Jadesprite. boo hoo hoo hoo said the Jadesprite again and she triggered the flashing backgrounds. Jade shooked at her and tried to calmed her down. But then she got eighteen pesters and she was stressed and not able to slap. No! I must slap the Jadesprites she messaged The computer said No, Jade. You are the Jadesprites Everybody stop and hear my taunt, Look at the style of my magic pink font. My words and my rhymes will your dreams, haunt And the flourish of my pen will keep you taut. The way this book is written by my hand, And ransom instrumental the words in the world, all the papers you want No wizard could save you from your failing saunt. Stopping you before you begun.

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