Open Graves Not storing all your downloads on a harddrive

Open Graves

Not storing all your downloads on a harddrive. Blue Ray is here to stay until another physical media takes its place. Its called, storage, backup, many can you fit on a harddrive. ; Physical media will never go you surrender your rights to own and keep your own content. , your software, movies are all loaded on someone elses host boom its gone if you dont want to pay a monthly license fee. By the way, Blu ray support is long in the tooth apple should have added it years ago. ; Btw, I heartily recommend the ISP Be-Unlimited ran by BT. Truly Open Graves downloads. BE is not owned by BT, it was a separate company until last year when it was taken over by O This is overdue by now, and Im Open Graves will be one of the 4-5 big announcements Steve Jobs makes during the Keynote at MWSF in January. 😀 could this mean new cinema displays as well? Oh God those things are so overdue/overpriced its not even funny. Really looking forward to this actually, accumulating a nice little BD library already. All the naysayers with the Bluray will be dead in five years! so will most of the hardware youre using right now that doesnt make it pointless. Personally Id say BD has a few years longer than that it has taken off and people want things that show off their HDTVs. Downloads currently arent as high quality and the storage issues arent trivial. Physical media is here to stay for a while at least. BD isnt Sonys format. AND its a perfectly good format. I dont know what people have against convenience and compatibility. 🙄 Im pretty sure my imac has HDCP on the 9800GS. ? I hope so id like to get a BD burner. Here is the deal, I have used mac for over 17 years and there is a reason why it is better, and no its not the machine and its architecture but the OS built around a specific architecture and the fact that I dont have to be Mr. Know It All to do simple things. I use a PC at work and the I have to go through to do the simplest task is ridiculous. Both machines have there strengths but what microsoft forgot was that there are far more casual users out there than Nerds, Geeks, Programmers. People that just want to use a computer and not feel lost and stupid like my mom and ses a pretty smart woman, and thats all apple is trying no 5 different iteration of the same OS but one good OS on an Architecture built for it. If Microsoft got smart they would actually get with the program. It wont be long before Linux takes over and apple follows suit. this would be a mighty good feature!! Physical media will never go you surrender your rights to own and keep your own content. , your software, movies are all loaded on someone elses host hard boom its gone if you dont want to pay a monthly license fee. Physical media will go away eventually.

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