Happy gilmore bob barker fight

Happy gilmore bob barker fight

Yeah, I didnt think so. Okay, heres the second draft. Ive only seen the movie once, and that was in the theaters, so excuse me if my happy gilmore bob barker fight is a little off. Q: Mmmm-hmmm. The virus also confers an amazing ability to go without food or water for extended periods of time. Especially considering all that blood-vomitting. After 28 days those scuse me, looked pretty spry to me. Ive happy gilmore bob barker fight this one before, which is weird, because its a pretty stupid criticism. No offence intended, but obviously the zombies we see in the movie werent all infected the same day as the eco-terrorists who broke into that lab. All of those died, most likely, within a week of being infected. But each of them infected dozens more. Who all also died within a week, but each of them infected another dozen. When the movie opens, the epidemic has almost run its course. Jim slept through the worst of it. Most of the infected we see in the movie have probably only been infected for a few days. The ones who were infected earlier died of, you guessed it, starvation and dehydration. Q: Mmm-hmmm. And yet for some reason, with all their towering rage, they dont attack each other. Only uninfected humans, and by implication, rats. Its an entirely artificial disease, whose purpose we can only guess at. Who knows what the scientists that made it designed it to do, or why? THe one guy we see at the lab says something about curing rage, apparently at a social level. Maybe the idea was that people infected with this virus would be unable to inflict violence on other people with this virus, but an unintended side-effect was insane violence towards anyone not infected. Who knows? At any rate, both of your criticisms are endemic to the zombie-movie genre: how do the zombies continue to function, and why dont they attack each other? Most zombie movies are even worse about this, because they use reanimated corpses instead of plague victims. Never mind about where they get the energy to move with, how do most zombies even move in the first place? Theyve been buried in damp earth, sometime for years. Their muscles should be rotting bags of half-eaten worm food. Their tendons should have shrivelled up and dropped off. They shouldnt even have eyes at all, let alone be able to see anything with em. The infected in 28 Days Later are the most plausible zombies Ive ever seen.

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