Return of the fly part 1 But

Return of the fly part 1

But, the regular DVDs are cheaper week after week. To be fair, Why You Netflix, dont give your customers a credit of al least 00 every month?. Why we have to wait weeks to watch a Blu-ray movie? It is no fair either from Netflix. I love Netflix, but at the same time, the must fulfill the customers expectations. I have no problem with this price increase AT ALL. I think blu-ray is a better product and am happy to pay 1 more for it. if you dont like it, go BACK to the DVD option and save the money. The extra revenue will allow Netflix to accumulate more titles on the better format. Why does everyone always have a problem with a return of the fly part 1 trying to offer a better service and make a better profit at the same time. This isnt a reduction of service, this is the realization that Netflix was losing a lot of money on the blu-ray product. Accordingly, the charge helps them to maintain the service instead of cancelling it. Guess I better put my whopping 26 Blu-ray titles at the top of my queue, watch then fast, and cancel the Blu-ray option before the price increase kicks in. I can understand the rationale, but feel it should ONLY be applied when I ACTUALLY get a Blu-ray disc. Im actually cancelling my subscription to Netflix, and just going back to HD channels on TV HBO, etc with Tivo. Admittedly i was on the fence for a while about continuing my subscription, but this pushed me over the edge. The 1 by itself not so much, but Ive gotten tired of being nickelled and dimed every where I turn. You boys are big enough nowNetflix, start having some conversations with the studios, if BluRay is going to succeed, its has to be the same price as DVD. And your smug assertion We think youll agree, actually, for various reasons posted by other bloggers and my own, no, I dont agree, nor understand quite frankly. If you have to change your overall subscription price, fine, or return of the fly part 1 BluRay, also fine, but these add on are driving me nuts. But specifically going after the BluRay renters, ie early adopters, ie hard core, ie your biggest supporters who built Netflix by word of yo see where Im going? Thanks for rewarding those who are the ones that ultimately are pushing the technology forward that you are benefitting from. As I wrote at the beginning, good luck to you, Im parting ways as of today account already cancelled. One extra dollar is not much a month, that is that is why they raised are betting people wont care. truth is, they are taking advantage! 800 s nothing. We should deactivate the Blue Ray Disc option and see what they do with them then!! Lets come together on I already deactivated mine! I agree with a lot of the comments. This is a bit confusing.

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