Rambo first blood full movie I was disappointed

Rambo first blood full movie

I was disappointed. I thought it was the PS So I bought another BluRay Player. Same cannot be played. I take out the BluRay disc and am studying it and the small crack on the edge becomes visible. I search online what is going on with all this BluRay rambo first blood full movie and find this. The BluRay is from Netflix. Im returning it and reporting it as but have little hope after reading most of the posts here. Good luck to the next guy. Guess Im the next guy. I had a Netflix membership for years one of the first subscribers and quit a few years ago due to lack of time to watch movies. Well, I signed up about a month ago for the free trial and upgraded to the Blu-ray. Ive rambo first blood full movie 4 DVDs and 3 of the 4 were cracked and unplayable. It is a nuisance. After reading the posts here I can see Netflix is not interested in fixing the problem, so I will be cancelling the membership. Really sad they cannot address a relatively simple issue such as this. With the price of Blu-ray players dropping significantly, I expect more people will rambo first blood full movie this service and more people will be complaining. Will they hear it then? Doubtful. Should I try Blockbuster next or just go back to Pay-per-view on DirecTV? I just signed up for Netflix a month or so ago. I have received 7 blu-ray discs and last weekend I discovered my first one with a crack. It was actually two cracks a small one near the outside edge like the picture above shows and a small one near the inside edge. I immediately reported it as damaged on the website and received the replacement today. I opened it up to inspect it and sure enough his one also has a crack. I was able to watch about the first 1/3 of the cracked one last weekend before it stopped working. I havent tried the one yet that I got today. I wonder if it is possible that others have been cracked, but there wasnt enough damage to cause it to not work? Im going to check every one I get now. Hopefully Netflix will fix this soon or I will be canceling my subscription.

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