Aladin va du thu than p13 of 14

Aladin va du thu than p13 of 14

Only reasons there should ever be a reasonable price increase on netflix: postal rate increases or minimum wage increases. How much did you people pay for the Blu-Ray players? Youre going to complain about 1 per month. I could see an issue if they were charging and extra 5 or 10, but a buck? Come go ahead and go to hear they have a wait on If you have to own the latest and greatest, expect to pay for it. I didnt buy a Blu-Ray player, per se but, own a PS3 which just happens to play Blu-Ray discs. I dont have a problem with it, but if youd like to discuss it, theres also a discussion going on at Get Satisfaction, a site netflix refuses to acknowledge exists: A 20% increase for the 99 plan 99 1 for blu-ray, which I have. Seems like a lot for 2 movies a month. Blockbuster Online is 99 for the same plan and that already includes blu-ray. No brainer for me to switch. These complaints are pretty ridiculous. Its just I WOULD pay an extra dollar or two per month if the Roku streaming movies were higher quality. The Voodoo has increased to nearly blu-ray hopefully you guys wont disappoint me there. These comments will most likely not be read by those who make the decisions but we as patrons should be heard and vent. We pay our hard earned money every month to have the movies of our choice delivered to us in a timely fashion. I was an early subscriber to netflix due to my disgust with Blockbuster. Upon receiving the email regarding Bluray price hikes I was less than thrilled. I looked at my queue and dicovered that Most of the movies in my list were not available in Bluray and the 15 or so that were in Bluray had a Long or Very Long Wait on them this my friends is an unacceptable practice We demand to have services that we pay for to be provided not met with additional rate hikes. Perhaps Pay-Per-View is the next option seeing as DirecTV offers new releases in HD. If the movie is that great I will just Buy the damn thing and keep it. In this ecomomy its business practices such as this that remind me that netflix after all is a LUXURY service that we can and maybe should LIVE WITHOUT. I have no problem with an increase of a dollar. I do have a problem when opening an envelope is like flipping a coin. Im getting really tired of the cracked disc issue and Im getting tired of Netflix playing the isolated incident response card. Its not isolated. Its widespread and widely reported. I had to send another disc back this week. Yet Netflix continues to just brush the issue aside. Maybe this price increase is actually due to the delivery failure rate of Blu-Ray discs. Netflix must be going through a lot of catalog having to keep replacing damaged units. If we are going to get a dollar increase then I want to see the service improve. Use that money to despatch Blu-Ray discs in light cardboard sleeves. Not the cheap paper sleeves that have resulted in at least 15 damages discs this year.

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